“Should I buy a carved jadeite bangle?”

A carved jadeite bangle is a jadeite bangle that often is intensively carved into motifs like flowers, dragons, and other classic symbolisms on a thicker material. It enhances the overall appeal (to some) because it is unique, different and kind of oriental.

While different people have different views on this matter, our experienced team would share our own views on this, based on our personal opinions and experiences.

Jadeite valuations are determined based on many factors: size, carving, granular structure, translucency and of course cleanliness or flawlessness of material.

Would you buy a 10-carat flawless diamond and carve it into 8 pieces of 1 carat diamonds?

The simple answer is “No, No way”

The same idea goes for a jadeite bangle. If you visit famous auction houses or seen top quality jadeite bangles, they always have no carving. This is because a jadeite bangle of good material does not need to be carved to enhance its beauty. Its natural size and shape are enough to bring its value to the heavens. Also, once such a bangle is carved, its appeal to a large variety of audience is going to be lost and many people who appreciate good material do not want a piece that is overly carved.

At most carvers, carved bangles are often carved because of one simple reason – the material has many cracks and flaws. The one way to remove it is to hide it with large detailed workmanship carvings to dig out or hide the flaws. This often results in bangles that look interesting – but prices are low due to the material cost.

Our Verdict:

If you want to invest in a jadeite bangle – avoid buying carved bangles, especially if they have so much carvings that the entire shape has been lost, such as twirly brand flower designs.

If you want to be occasional cool and funky, go ahead and make a purchase of a carved jadeite bangle – which can be found in most mass market shops and should not cost you more than a few hundred dollars even with excellent carvings.

Most importantly, you must enjoy the pieces that you buy and know the value of the jadeite.

Speak with our expert team as we have pieces for every price range! We can be contacted at +65 97356878 and follow our telegram channel Littlejadeitehouse.


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