The Roseá
Pink lavender jadeites - often denoted for their colour and very coarse grains as they are usually harvested in the mountains of Burma.
This piece of pink lavender jadeite is translucent and bright, full colour. Although it does have cotton, it is impossible to get them without balancing out a good colour.
It is flawless and interesting, with a good sweet pink lavender hue and is a solid cutting.
NGI Certified.
Stone: Natural Fei Cui Jade (Type A)
Translucency: Translucent
Size: 55 x 12 x 9.1mm
Design: Bangle (Flat Cut)
Colour: Full pink lavender
NGI Cert:
Pink lavender jadeites - often denoted for their colour and very coarse grains as they are usually harvested in the mountains of Burma.
This piece of pink lavender jadeite is translucent and bright, full colour. Although it does have cotton, it is impossible to get them without balancing out a good colour.
It is flawless and interesting, with a good sweet pink lavender hue and is a solid cutting.
NGI Certified.
Stone: Natural Fei Cui Jade (Type A)
Translucency: Translucent
Size: 55 x 12 x 9.1mm
Design: Bangle (Flat Cut)
Colour: Full pink lavender
NGI Cert:
Pink lavender jadeites - often denoted for their colour and very coarse grains as they are usually harvested in the mountains of Burma.
This piece of pink lavender jadeite is translucent and bright, full colour. Although it does have cotton, it is impossible to get them without balancing out a good colour.
It is flawless and interesting, with a good sweet pink lavender hue and is a solid cutting.
NGI Certified.
Stone: Natural Fei Cui Jade (Type A)
Translucency: Translucent
Size: 55 x 12 x 9.1mm
Design: Bangle (Flat Cut)
Colour: Full pink lavender
NGI Cert: